Monday, January 4, 2016

Hasta Ver, Chicago!

Hola mi querido familia y amigos!

Well I'll tell you what everyone, 18 months most certainly goes by way
too fast. I still can't believe that in just a couple days I will be
reunited with my family and friends back home. Heavenly Father is just
so good to me. I don't think I can even being to express the gratitude
and joy I feel to have had the privilege to serve the people of
Chicago as a representative of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

This past week I received news that a very sweet man that I had the
opportunity to serve and visit in my last area had passed away, and
this morning I attended his funeral service. I think one of my
favorite things about being a missionary is that we are blessed with
this gift to feel an extra special portion of the love that our
Heavenly Father has for His children. One of my most tender
experiences on my mission where I truly felt full of that love was
during a visit with this Hermano and his sweet wife. He expressed to
me a lot of struggles in his life during that time and I felt I could
relate, not because the things we had gone through were necessarily
similar but because we turned to the same source for help, our Savior
Jesus Christ. I just remember sharing my testimony with him of the
Atonement and how by the end of the visit we were both in tears. I
could go on and on, but I'm just so very thankful for the opportunity
that I had to get to know Arturo. It was so hard when I found out he
was not with us anymore, but I was comforted by the knowledge that I
will see him again. Please pray for la Familia Villegas.

Family and friends, more than anything else I want you all to know
that I have a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know
it is true with all my heart. I also know that our Heavenly Father and
Savior, Jesus Christ live and love us so deeply and individually. I
know that families are forever. I know that the Atonement of Jesus
Christ is real. He can help us in every detail of our lives. He can
heal us, He can shape us, He can make our hearts new, and He can make
us whole.

I love my mission and I wouldn't trade this time for anything in the
world. Serving is one of the best decisions I have ever made. At the
funeral this morning Arturo's mom spoke a little about charity and
gave a beautiful example. One of her callings is to direct the music
in sacrament meeting. After she fulfilled her calling and directed the
music this last Sunday someone came up to her and said that they
didn't know how she was able to do that with the news of her son
recently passing away. She said that charity is when you continue to
serve the Lord with all your heart, might, mind, and strength even in
the midst of trials; that you fulfill the labor to which you have been
called because you love the Lord and know the calling is divine. I
love Hermana Villegas. I truly feel that my past 18 months of service
has been a labor of love. There were plenty of times when I struggled
and even felt I couldn't go on, but I know that as I leaned on the
Savior, He helped me push forward to help Him bring this beautiful
message to the lives of our Heavenly Father's children and through
this He taught me about charity.

I look forward to telling you more about my mission in person! I love
you all so much and I look forward to seeing everyone this week.

Sigan fuertes y mantengan la sonrisa :)

Hermana Knowles

89 Para siempre Dios esté con Vos

1. Para siempre Dios esté con vos;
con Su voz él os sostenga;
con Su pueblo os mantenga.
Para siempre Dios esté con vos.

Hasta ver, hasta ver,
hasta vernos con el Rey,
hasta ver, hasta ver,
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

2. Para siempre Dios esté con vos;
con Sus brazos El os cubra;
Su amor El os descubra;
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

Hasta ver, hasta ver,
hasta vernos con el Rey,
hasta ver, hasta ver,
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

3. Para siempre Dios esté con vos;
cuando el temor os venga,
en Sus brazos él os tenga;
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

Hasta ver, hasta ver,
hasta vernos con el Rey,
hasta ver, hasta ver,
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

4. Para siempre Dios esté con vos;
que os guíe Su bandera;
que la muerte no os hiera;
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

Hasta ver, hasta ver,
hasta vernos con el Rey,
hasta ver, hasta ver,
para siempre Dios esté con vos.

One last Hurrah

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Llevaremos Su Verdad al Mundo

December 28, 2015

Hola familia y amigos!

I feel like the weeks just keep getting faster and faster. On Monday
we had a family home evening with the Stuart family! I LOVE THEM.
Brother Stuart served his mission Spanish speaking so they have a
tradition every Christmas that they invite all the Spanish
missionaries and invite us to bring investigators and less active
members as well. There were quite a few people there and it was a
really spiritual evening. We sang Christmas hymns, shared stories,
bore testimony, and of course ate a lot of food. Brother Stuart asked
if I would share my testimony of the Savior to close the program and
it was a really tender experience for me. The spirit was so strong and
the room was just filled with love for one another and especially for
our Savior Jesus Christ. It was a really memorable evening.

On Tuesday we got to do some service with Toys for Tots and handed out
toys to little kids! The whole district was there and it was a good

We also got two very sweet new investigators this week: Rosa and her
daughter Ahtziri. They came to operation Christmas that the stake does
every year and were contacted there by the elders. Well we got their
information and stopped by and they were so welcoming and prepared for
our message. We are really excited to keep teaching them!

Christmas Eve was super fun too! A Spanish family from the Gurnee 2nd
ward invited all the missionaries to have dinner at their house and
play games afterward. I guess you could say it was a blast and a half,
or maybe even two full blasts if you will. Nadiya was there! She is a
sweet woman from Ukraine who regularly comes to our Tuesday morning
English class and is a recent convert to the church. She's adorable. I
was definitely excited to see her!

Christmas Day was great! It was really nice to talk to my family but
weird at the same time because I'll be seeing them soon. Arranging
somewhere to go for dinner on Christmas was a little awkward. We had a
family that we were planning on eating with but when we got there they
had forgotten we were coming and it was extremely awkward. So we
called the elders who were at la familia Perez house and asked for
advice haha. Hermana Rowbury was like, you should just ask the other
elders really loud if they know of someone who would feed us so that
the Perez would hear and invite us over haha. That's what they did.
And that's where we ate. It was delicious. I love that family so much!
We also spent thanksgiving with them. I guess you could say the Perez
house is the place to be for the holidays!

Sunday was pretty tender. I figured it wouldn't be too sad because I
still have one more Sunday with the Gurnee 3rd ward. But it most
certainly hit me when I mentioned to one of the hermanas that this was
my last week and she gave me a hug and just started to cry in my arms.
I never really anticipated leaving to be this hard. I feel like I have
a family here in this ward and I wish I could stay with them longer!

I love my mission so much and I intend to work as hard as I can the
remainder of the time I have here. Family and friends, this gospel is
true. Our Savior LIVES and this is His work. I intend to be a part of
it for the rest of my life because I will ALWAYS be a missionary. I
have received some precious revelation these past few weeks and I am
just so thankful to my Father in Heaven for this opportunity to serve
His children and bring the gospel into their lives. I love you all and
hope you have a great week!

Keep smiling,

Hermana Knowles

92 Llevaremos Su verdad al mundo (El ejército de Helamán)

1. De buenos padres que ̮aman a Dios
nosotros como Nefi pudimos nacer,
y nos enseñan a comprender
que ̮a Dios debemos obedecer.

Como el ejército de Helamán,
debemos obedecer.
Seremos misioneros del Señor
llevando ̮al mundo su verdad.

2. Para ̮este tiempo nos reservó
fielmente Su reino ̮a edificar.
Nuestro profeta ̮así nos habló:
“Los dignos vayan a predicar.”

Como el ejército de Helamán,
debemos obedecer.
Seremos misioneros del Señor
llevando ̮al mundo su verdad.

3. Con el estudio ̮y la oración
hasta que llegue la voz del Señor
para ̮exhortar a toda nación
voy a ̮alcanzar preparación.

Como el ejército de Helamán,
debemos obedecer.
Seremos misioneros del Señor
llevando ̮al mundo su verdad
al mundo la verdad.

Escuchad el Son Triunfal

December 21, 2015

What the Monday again? This week went by fast. Anywho, how's everyone
doing? This week we went on exchanges and I went over to Logan Square
one last time with Hermana Curapil. She's legit! We definitely had a
fun time. We ate some pretty gross Dominican food, but we don't need
to go into depth about that.

On Friday we went to the temple as a zone which was AMAZING. I love
the temple. After that we went to the mission home to have a meeting
which was also quite wonderful. One of the senior missionaries dressed
up as Santa which was absolutely hilarious. We also had a gift
exchange and usually people bring pretty funny gifts which was the
majority of what was brought. So I opened mine and it was a box for a
waffle maker and naturally I thought they just used the box as a
container for the actual gift but when I opened it there was a legit
waffle maker inside and I was quite surprised haha. Apparently an
elder found it thrift shopping and it works just fine so my companion
and I are pretty excited about that. We also had a testimony meeting
and President had me go last because this was my departing testimony
for my zone. I still kinda don't feel like it actually happened. It
was a very tender experience for me though to be able to reflect and
share how my testimony has grown throughout my mission.

The next day we were actually able to go to the temple again to see
Armando and Stephanie (Chicago 2nd) get SEALED! I'm so glad I was able
to be there for them. There were quite a few misioneras there to
support them as well so it was a nice reunion.

The ward Christmas party was on Saturday which was way fun! We had an
investigator family were teaching come and they brought their friends!
How cool is that? Some less actives we're working with also came and
Olimpia brought her family! And they all sat together! It was just a
beautiful sight. Our ward is hilarious and they most certainly know
how to have a good time. I'll try to remember to send pictures.

Well for pday we're going to visit some families from my first area
and I'm super excited to see them! All of the Hermanas are going to
meet up for lunch downtown as well so I'm definitely looking forward
to that!

It's crazy to think Christmas is coming up so quick! I'm so thankful
that I can spend it as a missionary. I hope you all have a merry
Christmas and take a little extra time to remember the Savior and
ponder on the blessings He has given you throughout this year. I love
my Savior, Jesus Christ and I know that He lives. I know He came to
earth to take a central role in our Heavenly Father's plan of
happiness. I know He loves each of us and knows us personally and
perfectly. I hope everyone has a great week! I love you :)

Keep smiling,

Hermana Knowles

130 Escuchad el son triunfal

1. Escuchad el son triunfal de la hueste celestial:
Paz y buena voluntad; salvación Dios os dará.
Cante hoy toda nación la angelical canción;
estas nuevas todos den: Nació Cristo en Belén.
Escuchad el son triunfal de la hueste celestial.

2. ¡Salve, Príncipe de Paz! Redención traído has,
luz y vida con virtud, en tus alas la salud.
De Tu trono has bajado y la muerte conquistado
para dar al ser mortal nacimiento celestial.
Escuchad el son triunfal de la hueste celestial.


Jenga with Blanca (it was a little too stressful for her

Zone temple trip

Armando and Stephanie

Ward Christmas Party

Stupid Yogurt

How did the yogurt know when I was going home?

Venid, Adoremos

December 14, 2015


So Olimpia was baptized on Saturday! It was so awesome! She has such a powerful testimony and it has truly been a blessing to have been with her since the beginning and see her progress so quickly. Hermanas Mendieta and Muirbrook came up for the baptism and it was so good to see them too! We met with Olimpia this morning and talked about her baptismal experience. She said quite simply, "I feel clean!" She also talked about how she knows she has work to do within her home to help her family embrace the gospel. She said she's going to work hard because "I want my eternal family." She is such an amazing example! It was really beautiful at the baptism as we sang the closing hymn, "Families Can be Together Forever," I looked and saw Olimpia's husband (who is not a member) with tears running down his cheeks. The spirit is so powerful and it will touch your heart if you let it.

We were also able to go to the temple on Saturday to see a beautiful couple from Hermana Rowbury's old area get endowed and sealed! It was really powerful. We're actually going to be going to the temple again twice this week, once as a zone and then again to see another beautiful couple from Chicago 2nd get sealed :) 

We've done quite a bit of caroling as a district this week which was fun! We had a cool experience when we went to carol to one of our investigators, Jose. He's an old grandpa he's adorable. When he opened the door and we started singing his face lit up he was so happy! The smile on his face didn't leave the whole time we were there. We also shared the new Christmas video with him and he absolutely loved it and was so thankful we came. 

Speaking of the Christmas video...if any of you haven't seen it already you should probably get on that! ITS SO GOOD. It's called: A Savior is Born. Here I'll make it easier for you.

I especially love at the end of the video when it says, "discover why." As I thought about it a little more I realized, well that's exactly what we help people do everyday as missionaries! It's truly a beautiful thing to see people grow closer to the Savior and really understand the significance of why He came and what that means for each of us. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Who do you know that needs a Christmas message? I invite you to share this video with whoever it may be that comes to mind. 

I know Christ lives. I know this work is His. I know He is at the head of the church and has provided a way that we can return to our heavenly home. I know we have a loving Heavenly Father. I know He lives. I know He sent His Son to come and be central to His great plan of happiness. I testify that the most pure joy we will ever find comes through living the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like Olimpia, I want my eternal family and I am going to work for it. I love you all! Have a great week :)

Keep smiling,

Hermana Knowles

124 Venid, adoremos

1. Venid, adoremos, con alegre canto;
venid al pueblito de Belén.
Hoy ha nacido el Rey de los ángeles.
Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,
venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesús.

2. Cantadle loores, coros celestiales;
resuene el eco angelical.
Gloria cantemos al Dios del cielo.
Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,
venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesús.

3. Señor, nos gozamos en Tu nacimiento;
oh Cristo, a Ti la gloria será.
Ya en la carne, Verbo del Padre.
Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,
venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesús.

Temple Trip


Hay un Hogar Eterno

December 7, 2015


Welcome to another edition of Hermana Knowles: The Chicago Missionary
Life. I have decided to entitle this entry: Seguimos en la Tierra

Funny story from the week. We went to go find some former
investigators, Artemio y Juana. We knock and their son comes from the
back of the house and invites us in. Artemio and Juana are a really
sweet older couple and when we arrived they were in the process of
making tamales! Obviously we quickly jumped in to help and long story
short we ended up making over 200 tamales with our little four person
team! Apparently they go out and sell these tamales and we asked them
how often they did this and they were like, "Oh not too often. Only
about EVERY THREE DAYS." They're great. The next day they called us
and said, "We're at the lavandería selling tamales come pick some up!"
 After some searching we found them and the tamales were delicious.

Olimpia is doing great! Her baptism is THIS Saturday! She is so
excited it's awesome. She brought her kids to church again yesterday
and they loved it! They're so adorable! Every time we teach her she
always shares her testimony with us and it's so powerful. After our
lesson with her this morning she excused herself for a minute and came
back with an adorable collared shirt/vest/tie combo that her son
picked out to wear to church because he wants to look his best. There
is seriously NOTHING better than sharing the gospel and being able to
see others get so excited about it and families brought closer.

Our recent convert Gabriel is going to get the priesthood next week! I
probably scared the people sitting around me in the chapel when they
announced it because I was so excited. We started teaching his kids
this week about the gospel and we're really excited to see them
progress. Yesterday he also went up to share his testimony during
sacrament meeting and it was absolutely beautiful. He talked about how
there's no such thing as coincidences in the gospel and he expressed
his gratitude to Heavenly Father that his children were able to hear
about the gospel this past week too. HOW COOL IS THAT?

Testimony meeting was simply amazing yesterday. One Hermano went up
and told us about how he has recently started coming back to church.
My companion made a comment about how there is so much power when
recent converts or returning members share their testimony. This
Hermano expressed so much gratitude to have the gospel be a part of
his life again and he also thanked his home teachers because they were
a major factor in helping him return. Something I got from that was
how no effort is wasted and we should never ever give up on someone. I
know the Savior doesn't give up on us and I know this gospel is true
and that will never change.

My sweet sweet family and friends, I wish I could express how much
being a missionary means to me. I'm sure no matter how hard I try it
wouldn't be sufficient. Not only is the Lord changing the lives of
those around me but He is most certainly changing mine. I love this
gospel and I know it's true and there's no way I could ever deny it. I
know Jesus Christ lives. And guess what that means! That means He
truly came to the earth and lived a perfect, sinless life. That means
He truly suffered for each of us and died on a cross in Calvary. That
means He truly performed the Atonement and was resurrected three days
later. That means we too will live again. That means we don't have to
go through anything by ourselves. That means we have a Savior and a
Heavenly home. And it means so much more. I love you all so very much!
Stay strong and please please please

Keep smiling :)

Hermana Knowles

190 Hay un hogar eterno

1. Hay un hogar eterno, lleno de amor,
donde todos cantan, donde no hay dolor.
Ángeles allá cantan, dando a Dios gran loor.
Algún día veremos nuestro hogar de amor.

Oh, dulce hogar, oh bello hogar;
morada de Cristo, oh bello hogar.

2. Miles de flores crecen en aquel hogar,
do los niños suelen al Salvador honrar,
y le cantan, gozosos, himnos de grande loor.
Algún día veremos nuestro hogar de amor.

Oh, dulce hogar, oh bello hogar;
morada de Cristo, oh bello hogar.

3. Pronto tendré la dicha de morar allá.
Rescatóme Cristo; mi protección será.
Lo veré ya muy pronto, en Su mansión celestial.
Ese día veremos nuestro hogar de amor.

Oh, dulce hogar, oh bello hogar;
morada de Cristo, oh bello hogar.

This one is from a baby shower.

Oh Mi Padre

November 30, 2015


Tuesday was transfer meeting and it was so awesome to see everyone!
Literally all of the Hermanas in the mission were there so we took
ourselves a nice group picture. Every transfer meeting we have a
tradition where all the missionaries that are going home go up front
and sing the first verse of Hope of Israel and then everyone joins in
after that. Well this is the last transfer for me and the four other
wonderful Hermanas that I was in the CCM with, but three of them are
going back a week early to start school at BYU. So this being their
last transfer meeting President invited them to go up too for the
traditional departing Hope of Israel and it was so weird to see them
up there without me and Hermana Dowdle! Man I just love them all so
much. Everything is slowly but surely starting to feel super real and
I don't like it haha.

Anyway! My new companion is Hermana Rowbury and she's awesome! She's
from Idaho Falls and she's been on her mission almost a year now.
Since we got back to the area after transfer meeting its been nonstop
hard work. We've already seen some miracles within the first few days
of our companionship which has been quite the blessing. We met with
our investigator, Lizeth, and had an awesome lesson with her! We
taught her a couple commandments and afterwards we discussed a little
about how the lesson before she had accepted the invitation the be
baptized. Well long story short she accepted a date to be baptized in
December and we're extremely excited for her! We've made some progress
with other investigators too and even one of our less active members
opened up to us a lot this week.

Thanksgiving in Gurnee was pretty great! We went over to the house of
la Familia Perez for dinner and a few other members came too (Los
hermanos Obregon, Martinez, and Aguilera). Such a fun group! We most
certainly had a good time.

We wanted to do a finding activity as a district on thanksgiving but
it didn't end up working out so we got together on Saturday instead.
We went to the mall with two signs (one English and one Spanish)
asking people to write down what they're thankful for. It was pretty
fun! Afterwards we had lunch and Hermana Rowbury wanted to take a
selfie and there was a lady that was waiting for her to take the
picture so she could get by and we told her she could be in it so the
lady runs over and gets in the selfie it was really funny. As she was
walking away she was like, "If anyone asks who is in your picture,
it's Terry." Haha

We had another AWESOME Sunday! We had 3 investigators come and a less
active family that we've been working with was there too. Olimpia was
there and she was telling me that she's so excited and nervous for her
baptism on the 12th! She told Hermano Lugo (our ward mission leader),
"I wish it could be the 12th already!" So she's doing great! Our
investigator Jose came again as well and he really likes church and
we're excited to keep working with him! LIZETH CAME TOO! This was her
first Sunday at church. She left after sacrament meeting because she
had to start working at 3 but it was SO awesome to see her there! The
less active family that came was the Lopez family. We call them the
Pokémons because this Hermana has four kids and they all have Japanese
names haha (Yamy, Yashiro, Arumy, and Sayuky....Lopez).

Well family and friends the work is moving forward here in the
wonderful land of Gurnee and I'm so thankful to be a part of this
great work. I know this Gospel is true and I know it changes lives. I
know my Father in Heaven and Savior, Jesus Christ, live and love us
each so deeply and individually. I love this work so much. There's
nothing else I'd rather be doing right now than serving full time for
the Lord. I invite you all to take whatever steps may be necessary to
strengthen your relationship with our Heavenly Father. I know that as
we do so we can find the purest joy there is and nothing compares to
it. I love you all so much and hope everyone has a great week!

por favor KEEP SMILING,

Hermana Knowles :)

187 Oh mi Padre

1. Oh mi Padre, Tú que moras
en el celestial hogar,
¿cuándo volveré a verte
y Tu santa faz mirar?
¿Tu morada antes era
de mi alma el hogar?
En mi juventud primera,
¿fue Tu lado mi altar?

2. Pues, por Tu gloriosa mira
vine al mundo a morar,
olvidando los recuerdos
de mi vida premortal.
Pero algo a menudo
dice: “Tú errante vas”;
siento que un peregrino
soy, de donde Tú estás.

3. Antes te llamaba Padre,
sin saber por qué lo fue,
mas la luz del Evangelio
aclaróme el porqué.
¿Hay en los cielos padres solos?
Clara la verdad está;
la verdad eterna muestra:
madre hay también allá.

4. Cuando deje esta vida
y deseche lo mortal,
Padre, Madre, quiero veros
en la corte celestial.
Sí, después que yo acabe
cuanto tenga que cumplir,
permitidme ir al cielo
con vosotros a vivir.