Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mantener la Sonrisa

Otra semana ha pasado! 

Had a pretty good first week with Hermana Dowdle! Lots of knocking doors and meeting with members. I feel like we did a lot this week but I also feel like it was a blur. Something I thought was pretty funny that happened this week was when we went to visit Lucy, one of the members in the ward. She always loves to give us a little snack when we come over but she couldn't figure out what to give us when we went to visit her Friday night so she was like, "I'll just make you some pancakes!" It was so random. Nothing like having pancakes with Lucy at 8:30 at night! She's so sweet I love Lucy! 

We went and saw Ellie again on Saturday. We went just to say hi and to set up an appointment for when she can meet with the English sisters. While we were there I asked her if she had been reading from the Book Of Mormon and she said she has! She even said she marked a few things and wants to talk about them with us for the next visit! She's so awesome! 

So church was awesome yesterday. The new missionaries to the ward were introduced and we had an awesome testimony meeting. The young men and young women presidencies were reorganized too! It was an exciting change! So while we were on our way to Sunday school Hermana Uriostegui stopped us and asked if we would teach a combined youth class for the second hour. I was stoked! I love teaching the youth! We had no time to prepare but it was great because we really had to rely on the spirit. There were about 12 or so youth in the class. We taught a lesson on the Plan of Salvation. At first it was kind of hard to keep everyone's attention on the lesson but then Hermana Dowdle and I just started to testify about the Plan of Salvation and the spirit really took over and the class was silent. (This was all in Español by the way!) There was a pause and then I asked who could feel the spirit in that moment. It was a really touching experience to see everyone reverently raise their hands and to really feel the love our Heavenly Father has for each one of them. At the end we finished our lesson a little early so I left the time for the youth to share their testimonies with each other. It was way cool because that's what Hermana Dowdle felt prompted to do too. About 5 of them came up and shared really powerful testimonies. One specifically stood out to me as she was talking about how she had just received her patriarchal blessing before church. She said that was the first time she really felt the Lord was right there next to her. It was such a sweet experience to spend that hour with the youth of the ward. They're really amazing. 

Well today shouldn't be too crazy of a P-day. We have to go to the mission office though because we lost our phone and have to figure out how to replace it. Other than that life is so good! I love Chicago even though it can get a little crazy, I love being a missionary, but most of all I love my Savior Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven. Esta iglesia es verdadera y testifico que tenemos un Padre Celestial y Salvador quien nos aman. Nuestro Padre Celestial preparo un plan para que podemos regresar a vivir con Él otra vez con nuestras familias. Él nos conoce bien específicamente y quiere mas de nada que regresemos a su presencia y que seamos felices. Podemos saber por nuestros mismos la verdad de estas cosas si oramos a nuestro Padre Celestial con verdadera intención y yo prometo que Él contestara las oraciones de Sus hijos. 

Les amo y espero que tengan una semana maravillosa! 

¡Mantener la sonrisa!

Hermana Knowles :)

Selfie with Hermana Bautista.

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