Wednesday, August 19, 2015

¿Pensaste Orar?

Hola familia y amigos!

So Lucy is someone that I've been working with off and on since I got to this area. She's super great and has a lot of faith. Recently she's been going through a few hard things so we invited her to receive a priesthood blessing and she accepted! The Elders along with Hermano Lopez came with us a few days later and she received a blessing. Well Lucy usually works on Sunday's but she really has a sincere desire to attend church. Since she couldn't go to church she told her sister to check it out! And SHE CAME. She stayed for all 3 hours and seemed to really like it! We talked with her afterwards and she said she was interested in learning more so we set up an appointment with her for Wednesday! I'm so excited about that! 

We had dinner with the Ocampo family this week too. They're so funny it's great! I just wanted to mention how hilarious I think their dog is. First of all he's this tiny, fat, black and white chihuahua. And this is my favorite part, his name is Mr. Bean! Not too sure why I felt like sharing that pero de todos modos, you're welcome.

We had an activity at the church where we basically put on a play about the tree of life. It was alright! The picture I sent is of my companion putting lights on it it turned out really cool! And yes the elders may or may not have cut down a tree by the railroad tracks for this activity. 

We're working with an AWESOME part member family right now! The mom is the only member and her 8 year old daughter is on date for baptism and we're hoping to start teaching her with her dad soon! This family is such a miracle! We also found the moms sister and are now meeting with her too to help her come back to church. I love them so much! 

There's a lot more I could talk about but I don't have a ton of time today. I hope everyone is doing good! I love this gospel and I know without a doubt that it is true! 

Keep smiling,

Hermana Knowles

¿Pensaste orar?
1.¿Con fervor orar pensaste
al amanecer?
¿Suplicaste por la gracia
y amparo este día
en tu oración?
¡Qué reposo al cansado
es la ̮humilde oración!
Trae consuelo al herido,
paz al corazón.
2.¿Con fervor orar pensaste
al enfurecer?
¿No pediste, mi hermano,
que, al verte ofendido,
dieras el perdón?
¡Qué reposo al cansado
es la ̮humilde oración!
Trae consuelo al herido,
paz al corazón.
3.¿Con fervor orar pensaste
al entristecer?
Cuando lleno de pesares,
¿a tu Dios le suplicaste
al amanecer?
¡Qué reposo al cansado
es la ̮humilde oración!
Trae consuelo al herido,
paz al corazón.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Espero Ser Llamado a Una Misión

Hola familia y amigos!

This week is really quite the blur but it was great! 

We had a pretty fun experience this weekend because we had the opportunity to have a mini missionary with us from Thursday to Sunday! We didn't know that was going to happen until the night before but we're definitely glad we got to be a part of that. Hermana Froelich is so great! She didn't really speak much Spanish but she was able to look past that and dive right into the work with us. At the closing fireside she was able to share her testimony in Spanish and it was so powerful! She was a huge example to Hermana Anderson and I for sure. She's from Indiana so we got to drive out there to bring her back and it was cool to be back in Valparaiso for a couple hours and see a few people I served around when I was in Chicago Heights.

Recently we've been working with a less active/part member family and they are all so cool! It's a huge blessing to be able to visit and teach them. This is la familia Sanchez and they all came to church on Sunday too! Que milagro! We have another appointment with them tonight and were so excited! 

The same day we got our mini missionary was zone conference. At zone conference they introduced this new thing that was installed into our cars called the Tiwi. It pretty much just makes sure we don't drive like maniacs and reports to the office who does. Hermana Anderson wants me to mention that she is not a fan :) but! We're saving lives it's a beautiful thing! 

Exchanges were this week too! 'Twas a beautiful day in Midway with the wonderful Hermana Warnock. We had some sweet experiences together. I think one of my favorites was within the first couple hours. We helped a lady carry groceries to her house and had a pretty great conversation with her on the way. When we got there she invited us in and we got to meet and share a message with her family! It was so awesome! Of course we were also able to sing a lot together throughout the day. One of our last contacts was this sweet man that was watering his garden. He ended up giving us some of his vegetables before we left too! Good times. 

Remember that zone conference I wrote about where we went outside and we were all blindfolded and had to walk toward the music? Well Hermana Anderson and I thought it would be cool to do that same activity with a less active family in the ward for their family home evening. It was a huge success! It was so special to see them act on their faith and blindly walk towards us as we sang "families can be together forever." The mom was the first to make it to us and as soon as she took off her blindfold she gave Hermana Anderson the biggest hug and just cried in her arms because of the spirit she felt. It was so powerful and I'm really thankful for that experience. 

Hermana Anderson and I are most certainly looking forward to this week. We're exercising our faith and have set some high goals that I'm extremely excited about! We're so excited for the miracles Heavenly Father has in store for our area. I love this work! I know this gospel is true and it just makes me so happy to help others come to this knowledge as well. I know that God lives and loves us and I have no doubt in my mind about that. I love being a missionary and I never want this experience to end! I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Mantener la sonrisa,

Hermana Knowles 

Espero ser llamado a una misión
1.A la misión cuando sea grande,
espero que me ̮han de llamar.
Procuraré hallarme listo
y como misionero ̮actuar y predicar.
2.Espero compartir con otros
el Evangelio de verdad.
Yo quiero ser buen misionero,
de mi Señor ser siervo en mi juventud.

Bandera de Sión

August 3, 2015

 Hola familia y amigos! 

Another great week in Cicero! Hermana Anderson and I are keeping pretty busy. The work is picking up more and more each week. Our investigator, Jesus, is doing great! We had a lesson with him this week with a couple of the young women in the ward and it went super well. He also came to church again on Sunday which was especially great because it was fast/testimony meeting! The spirit was so strong at church. Towards the end of the meeting Hermana Anderson went up to share her testimony and it was awesome! Then I was like #compunity so I went up there too and I'm so glad we did. Church was just so great on Sunday! We had 5 less active members that we've been working with come and it was such a blessing! 

We also went to visit a super sweet lady from the ward that lives in this nursing home kinda place. She's from Argentina and she's absolutely adorable. During our visit she was saying how she thinks it's dumb that she's only allowed to have one soda a day and then she asks us a favor if we could walk to the corner and get her a Pepsi. Let me tell you it was definitely quite the adventure. She lives in a little more sketch part of town but we got this sweet old Hermana her Pepsi. The sign on the door of the place we went to really made my day I'll send it with some pictures. 

Let's see what else. We had some tacos de lengua (tongue) with the Villegas family. It tasted fine it was just so weird knowing what we were eating haha. Good times! We sang another medley of hymns for them and they loved it! I sure do love that family. 

Sorry this email isn't as long as usual, but just know I'm living the dream! I LOVE missionary life it's kind of absurd. I never want to leave Chicago haha. Family and friends I know that this gospel is true. There is no doubt in my mind. I know that Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father  live and love each of us so deeply and individually. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and as we really take the time to study it we can grow closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior and find so much happiness and peace. I love this work and I love all of you! I hope all is well and everyone has a great week! 

Keep smiling,

Hermana Knowles 

Bandera de Sión
1.Bandera, alto en el monte, se izó.
Oh pueblo, contemplad; al mundo se alzó.
En monte de Sión está;
en alta cúspide se ̮eleva ya.
2.Recuerda Dios aún lo que nos prometió,
de en Sión alzar al mundo un pendón.
Cual estandarte, lucirá;
a todo pueblo él atraerá.
3.Su templo El tendrá, Su gloria va ̮a mostrar,
y gente se dirá allende de la mar:
Subamos para ̮a Dios servir,
hacer Su obra ̮y Su verdad oír.
4.Allí la ley de Dios se nos enseñará;
es sabia y veraz, y ̮al mundo regirá.
Debemos por Su senda ̮andar,
y paz, verdad y salvación buscar.
Also! Fun fact, we locked ourselves out of our apartment this morning
on accident and Hermana Anderson got us back in by carding the door.
Can you say coolest companion ever?

Crazy storm last night!