Wednesday, August 19, 2015

¿Pensaste Orar?

Hola familia y amigos!

So Lucy is someone that I've been working with off and on since I got to this area. She's super great and has a lot of faith. Recently she's been going through a few hard things so we invited her to receive a priesthood blessing and she accepted! The Elders along with Hermano Lopez came with us a few days later and she received a blessing. Well Lucy usually works on Sunday's but she really has a sincere desire to attend church. Since she couldn't go to church she told her sister to check it out! And SHE CAME. She stayed for all 3 hours and seemed to really like it! We talked with her afterwards and she said she was interested in learning more so we set up an appointment with her for Wednesday! I'm so excited about that! 

We had dinner with the Ocampo family this week too. They're so funny it's great! I just wanted to mention how hilarious I think their dog is. First of all he's this tiny, fat, black and white chihuahua. And this is my favorite part, his name is Mr. Bean! Not too sure why I felt like sharing that pero de todos modos, you're welcome.

We had an activity at the church where we basically put on a play about the tree of life. It was alright! The picture I sent is of my companion putting lights on it it turned out really cool! And yes the elders may or may not have cut down a tree by the railroad tracks for this activity. 

We're working with an AWESOME part member family right now! The mom is the only member and her 8 year old daughter is on date for baptism and we're hoping to start teaching her with her dad soon! This family is such a miracle! We also found the moms sister and are now meeting with her too to help her come back to church. I love them so much! 

There's a lot more I could talk about but I don't have a ton of time today. I hope everyone is doing good! I love this gospel and I know without a doubt that it is true! 

Keep smiling,

Hermana Knowles

¿Pensaste orar?
1.¿Con fervor orar pensaste
al amanecer?
¿Suplicaste por la gracia
y amparo este día
en tu oración?
¡Qué reposo al cansado
es la ̮humilde oración!
Trae consuelo al herido,
paz al corazón.
2.¿Con fervor orar pensaste
al enfurecer?
¿No pediste, mi hermano,
que, al verte ofendido,
dieras el perdón?
¡Qué reposo al cansado
es la ̮humilde oración!
Trae consuelo al herido,
paz al corazón.
3.¿Con fervor orar pensaste
al entristecer?
Cuando lleno de pesares,
¿a tu Dios le suplicaste
al amanecer?
¡Qué reposo al cansado
es la ̮humilde oración!
Trae consuelo al herido,
paz al corazón.

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