I experienced some pretty hard core dejavu this week as team Dowdle and Knowles was reunited for exchanges! She spent the day up here with me in Gurnee and I guess you could say it was a blast and a half. It was pretty much just nonstop talking and catching each other up on everything since our companionship in March. It was also, of course a day full of tender mercies. I'm making a better effort to recognize the tender mercies each day and it's been really cool! I recommend it. "Count your many blessings; name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
So how about that conference weekend? Wasn't it AWESOME? If you missed the conference don't fret! Go on to lds.org and you can watch the sessions online. I guess you could say that conference rocked my world. How cool is it to know we have a living prophet who guides and directs the church through revelation? And every six months we get to hear from him, members of the quorum of the twelve apostles, and other leaders of the church? Heavenly Father must love us a lot! I know I felt the love of my Savior and Father in Heaven during conference. It's amazing how we can receive our own personal revelation through these inspired messages. Here are some of my favorite conference moments:
PRESIDENT UCHTDORF said, "Tell a man that there are a trillion stars in the sky and he will believe you. Tell a man that the wall is white and he will go up and touch it...Sometimes the truth may seem too straightforward or too simple to appreciate its value." I love how he asks us if we are making our discipleship too complicated and invited us to start where we are and grow from there. The gospel is so beautifully simple and perfect. We can come closer to Christ with a desire to believe, a willing heart, and having trust in the Lord.
PRESIDENT NELSON's talk basically knocked my no-show socks off. I most certainly look forward to reviewing that beautiful document when it's available on the one and only gospel library app. #unintentionaladvertising. In a nutshell he said, "The kingdom of God is not complete without women who keep and make covenants." So powerful! I also loved the story he shared about how his wife helped and strengthened him when he was struggling and he mentioned, "If you quit now others will painfully have to learn what you already know." So good!
ELDER HAYNIE shared a sweet example from his childhood and related how after playing in the mud you are not going to be welcome in grandma's house, o sea, "No unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of God." We are all going to make mistakes but REPENTANCE IS REAL. No matter how deep we've gotten in the mud we can be made clean through the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I wish I had the time to go on and on talking about conference. It was just so good! If anyone has the chance I would love to hear some of your favorite conference moments too :)
I hope everyone is doing great! I love you all and I want you all to know that I love my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful to be a missionary sharing this beautiful gospel with everyone Heavenly Father puts in my path. This gospel is true and I have no doubt about it.
Mantener la sonrisa,
Hermana Knowles :)
Cuenta tus bendiciones
1. | Cuando te abrumen penas y dolor, |
cuando tentaciones rujan con furor, | |
ve tus bendiciones; cuenta y verás | |
cuántas bendiciones de Jesús tendrás. | |
Bendiciones, cuenta y verás, | |
bendiciones que recibirás; | |
bendiciones, cuenta y verás | |
cuántas bendiciones de Jesús tendrás. | |
2. | ¿Sientes una carga grande de pesar? |
¿Es tu cruz pesada para aguantar? | |
Ve tus bendiciones; cuenta y verás | |
cómo aflicciones nunca más tendrás. | |
Bendiciones, cuenta y verás, | |
bendiciones que recibirás; | |
bendiciones, cuenta y verás | |
cuántas bendiciones de Jesús tendrás. | |
3. | Cuando veas a otros que más ricos son, |
piensa que de Cristo es tu galardón. | |
Oro no te compra lo que Dios te da: | |
un hogar eterno donde Él está. | |
Bendiciones, cuenta y verás, | |
bendiciones que recibirás; | |
bendiciones, cuenta y verás | |
cuántas bendiciones de Jesús tendrás. | |
4. | No te desanimes do el mal está, |
y si no desmayas, Dios te guardará. | |
Ve tus bendiciones y de Él tendrás | |
en tu vida gran consolación y paz. | |
Bendiciones, cuenta y verás, | |
bendiciones que recibirás; | |
bendiciones, cuenta y verás | |
cuántas bendiciones de Jesús tendrás. |
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